37. Message of the six guru’s (Part-2)
Guru Naanak Dev ji (Continue....)
his early age, Guru ji diligently worked in a
provision store as a store keeper and in his old age, he worked hard, as a
farmer. Thus he remained firm on the principles of hard work, naam (pray)
meditation and sharing one’s food and earnings with those who are less
fortunate. The
tradition of giving more to the already affluent person had been in fashion
from the past; but Guru ji by feeding the hungry
and clothing or sheltering the needy taught the valuable lesson of how to
profit in your spiritual life by gaining the true bargain of service. Though
he had to endure the anger of his father for his acts of charity, he did not
waver from his principles.
Guru ji travelled widely (Throughout India and many
foreign countries) for 24 years and blessed the general public with divine
knowledge of the true religion. He went to the Hindu cities of pilgrimage.
These cities were, Hardwar,Jagan Nath, Bodh Gaya, Dwarka and Kurkshetra.
directed Brahmins (the top most caste of the Hindus) to leave hollow rituals
aside and lead the practical life of a true Brahmin. To remain hungry and
fast does not serve any purpose, he taught. If they are to get recognition
in the court of our beloved Lord, then they would have to leave falsehood. People
should take a bath but mere bathing and remaining clean does not purify the
spirit. He advised them to try and be content with what they had. Make
compassion and forgiveness the basis of one’s life. Raise one’s
consciousness, merge with God and inculcate higher qualities of virtue and
morality. Only then does one have the right to be called a Brahmin. As on
page 1245 :
Those who have truth as their fast, contentment as their sacred shrine of pilgrimage, spiritual wisdom and meditation as their cleansing bath, kindness as their deity, and forgiveness as
their chanting beads - they are the most
excellent people Those who take the Way as their loincloth, and intuitive awareness their ritualistically purified enclosure, with good deeds their ceremonial forehead mark, and love their food - O Nanak, they are very rare. ||1||
Guru Ji taught that,” If you want to be called a Brahmin
then you should see the light of God in everyone. Instead of doing rigorous
physical penance, practice noble deeds, speak nice words, and lead a life of
contentment. To be accepted in the court of Almighty, worldly wealth,
attachments and lust must be broken and while living in Maya (mammon), one
should remain uninvolved in it. Only then you can be called a Brahmin.”. As
on page 1411 :
He alone is a Brahmin, who knows God. He chants and meditates, and practices austerity and good deeds. He keeps to the Dharma, with faith, humility and contentment. Breaking his bonds, he is liberated. Such a Brahmin is worthy of being worshipped. ||16||
Guru Ji went to Mecca (Saudi Arabia), the highly
populated holy city of the Muslims. There too he preached and practiced the
truth, ’Sach Sunaa-aysee sach kee baylaa’. The Muslims asked,” Who is
greater between Hindus and Muslims?”. Guru Ji replied,” Only that person is
great whose actions or deeds are good. Any person whose deeds are not noble
or good will be condemned here and he will have to cry in the after-world”.
As Bhai Gurdas ji’s words in vaar 1 pauri 33
Baba replied,” O Hajji, those without good deeds both
will have to weep and wail” Only by being a Hindu or a Muslim one can not get
accepted in the court of the Lord.
you are to become a true Muslim and be accepted in the court of “Allah”,
then along with observing Five Namaz (Muslim prayers); You
must adopt five noble deeds, recite and practice true Naam(name of God), be
truthful and content with your earnings by honest means, develop the habit
of sharing your food and other belongings and try to purify your soul. When
you recite Kalman (to be initiated as a Muslim) these should constitute
higher noble deeds, Allah(Khudah) will Himself bless you with His grace. As
on page 141 :
Let the first be truthfulness, the second honest living, and the third charity in the Name of God. Let the fourth be good will to all, and the fifth the praise of the Lord. Repeat the prayer of good deeds, and then, you may call yourself a Muslim.
Great Guru Nanak went to Sumer Prabhat (name of a
mountain in Himalayas) to meet Sidhs (seers) and inspired them to be
content. Keeping death in mind, attention should always be focused in
Almighty, because a person, who keeps his death in mind, never forgets an
endless creator. To be a true Yogi, firm belief in God is a must. A person
who keeps away from bad and immoral deeds, controls his mind and always
remains stable, such a yogi never bows before everyone. He becomes carefree
and bows to one and only one omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient
Almighty. He is accepted at God’s door, as on page 6 :
Make contentment your ear-rings, humility your begging bowl, and meditation the ashes you apply to your body. Let the remembrance of death be the patched coat you wear, let the purity of virginity be your way in the world, and let faith in the Lord be your walking stick. See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world. I bow to Him, I humbly bow. The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same. ||28||
Satguru Nanak Dev ji even went to men like Malik Bhago,
Duni Chand and Hameed Karu, who were rich, proud, selfish and vain. They
were also guided by guru ji that the aim of life is not only to collect
money rather; it is to join oneself with our spiritual root. No doubt money
is required for leading a worldly life, but if it is collected more than
what is required, it becomes a cause of misery and conflict. A person
collects money only through sins, but in the end it remains here and the
person has to repent. Money does not affect the life course of an individual
who has abandoned the lust for money.
Great Guru didn’t only go to money-minded people or money lenders to save
them from its clutches, but he also visited those who shunned wealth or were
indifferent towards it. They were Sidhs, Yogis,
Udhasis, Brahmins and Muslim performers of Austerities. He went to Sajjan
Thug (a serial murderer), Bhumia Chor (Thief and con man), Kauda Rakshas
(human cannibal), and inspired them to leave the path of falsehood,
dishonesty and treachery. They were converted to a noble path of life.
Guru ji, The Guide of entire humanity, first went to the
house of Bhai Lalo, a poor artisan. He preached the community of artisans
that they should not just mend other people’s jobs throughout their life
merely to earn a livelihood, but should mend their own minds too in order to
be accepted in God’s house as this is the what will be needed in god’s
court. They should spare some time from their hard work and even during
their honest duty they should recite the true name. In the words of Bhai
Gurdas ji in vaar 1, pauri 37 :
Unmistakable Saint of the whole world He won over the nine regions and earth, encircling and spreading the True name
Gospel of truth and reality was conveyed by the Great Guru in all
directions, in every nook and corner of the continent. He blessed all
humanity with the principle of molding life in the true action, behavior,
character, and morality. As on page 62 :
Truth is higher than everything; but higher still is truthful living. ||
truth preached by Guru ji was accepted and put to use
by countless people in his life time. This is the reason Punjabis and other
Indians hold the Great Guru in high esteem and honor him calling him True
Lord (Sacha Patshah). The Arabs respectfully remember him as Pir Baba Nanak
Shah. Tibetans call him Nanak Lama or Guru Bhadra. The
People of Sri Lanka address him as Nanak Budha or Nana Budha out of regard. Russians and
neighboring countries call him Wali Hind Baba Nanak Shah. He is honored in
China, Vietnam, Mongolia, by the name of Nanak Bhusa. In Bhutan, Nepal and
Sikim, people give him utmost respect and call him Rimpoze. Bhai Gurdas ji
in vaar 1 pauri 34 :
Go anywhere in the world, you would not find a place bereft of the name of Baba
that time, out of respect for the Great Guru Nanak Dev ji, the local people have named their lakes, tanks, pools, ponds,
springs and cities on the name of Baba Nanak so that eternal memoirs could
be saved. Guru
Nanak Dev ji was a true common guide to the entire
humanity. He loved and sought the welfare of all. The whole of mankind took
him as a Guru, Peer, and Guide, Spiritual teacher or preceptor. This is the
example of that time when Great Guru Nanak installed his spiritual light
into the body of Bhai Lehna JI(Guru Angad Dev JI) before his heavenly
departure on September 7, 1539 ( Assu wadi 1609 Bikrami) at the city of
Kartarpur(Pakistan) which he himself developed. It is clear that in Bhai
Gurdas ji’s vaar 1, pauri 45 :
During his life time he
waved the canopy of Guru seat on the head of Lehna (Guru Angad) and merged his own light into him.
a conflict arose between the two sects of disciples of Guru Ji who were Hindus and Muslims. Both of the parties wanted to
perform the last rites according to their own religion.
the Great Guru Nanak was not merely a physical entity (body form). He was
divine Light and Light only. At last, the piece of cloth which he wrapped
around himself was divided into two parts. The Muslims buried it in a grave
and Hindus put it to flames and formed a Dehura
(shrine). Even
now, there is one and only one place in the world at Kartarpur(Pakistan), where the devotees of both the sects, Hindus and
Muslims enter through one door. The Muslims according to their own faith
worship Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji as “Shah Wali” (prophet) and pray before him
for blessings. If you pass Nanak Shah Peer’s grave and go a little further,
a saffron flag is seen hoisted. A
little further, there is Dharam Saal (Gurdwara)
where Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is installed and Kirtan of Gurbani is heard.
This is the clear message of Guru Nanak Dev ji to entire humanity that the
Great Guru was not a spiritual teacher of one particular sect, caste or a
country but rather a prophet for the whole of mankind.
Guru Nanak Dev ji preached the entire human race to
work hard, be honest, recite Naam(pray), share your food and earnings, pray
for good to all, shun egoism and vanity, recognize the whole human race as a
creation of almighty, to be united with one God. Diversity should be viewed
through unity. Be a forgiving and compassionate human being. Truth must
prevail in your action, behavior, morality, speech, sight, hearing and
character. Being a true personality, the eternal truth can be achieved. So
Bhai Bhalwand ji (Satta jiand Balwand) truly witnessed and stated that Sri
Guru Nanak Dev ji has formed the emperorship of the Almighty on the fort of
truth and all bow to it as on page 966 :
Nanak established the kingdom;
He built the true fortress on the strongest foundations.
Great Guru Nanak did not just preach but he actually put his teachings, the
truth into his own practical life. The Muslim King Babar was called an oppressor and tyrant on his very face and his officials
were described as “Dogs”, leading a marriage party of sinners from Kabul,
are daring examples of truth.
“Such suna-ay-see such kee baylaa”.
will not be an exaggeration to say that Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji put a new spirit into almost dead and degraded conscience of the
mankind and gave a new life to the ritual based hollow and fake religions of
the time. In the end ,words of Sri Guru Ram Das ji truly testify and
describe the reality of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji as on page 735 :
Which, which of Your Glorious Virtues should I sing and recount, Lord? You are my Lord and Master, the treasure of excellence. I cannot express Your Glorious Praises. You are my Lord and Master, lofty and benevolent. ||1||
greatness, teachings and blessings of the Great Guru cannot be condensed
into mere words. Principal Satbir Singh(renowned Sikh
Scholar) has written about Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji that,” What type of
personality Guru Nanak Dev ji must have been who transformed a money minded
Duni Chand into a meek and humble person; Bhai Lalo to Lally (Darling
child); Malik Bhago to one of good fortune; Sajjan thug into a noble friend;
a proud and vain kandhaari to Wali (strong and gentle), Kaudda Cannibal who
ate human flesh to a true man; and Noori to Noor ( Spiritual Light). Today
the need of the hour is that we should include the principles and teachings
of Guru Baba into our practical life, preach and convey it to others so that
the entire humanity may avail of this true message of god. As on page 750…
Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||4||10||57||