
Guru to Sangladeep (Ceylon)
Ji went o Sangladweeep or Ceylon or Sri Lanka at Batticoloa was the first
place of his stay in the island. He went to Matiakalam (now known as Matalai)
which was the capital of Sangladeep under Raja Shivnabh.
Mansukh, a trader from Punjab and a disciple of the Guru, had been to
Sangladeep in connection with his business long before the Guru's visit to
the island. By reason of his trade, Bhai Mansukh had access to Raja Shiv
Nabh and thus he had told the Raja all about Guru Nanak. The Raja inquired
how he could meet the Guru. Mansukh told him, "Rise early in the morning and
recite Moolmantar. If you earnestly pray, the Guru will respond to your
prayers." Every
morning Raja Shiv Nabh meditated and prayed for the holy sight (darshan) of
the Guru. Time passed on but the Guru did not appear. Learning of the king’s
anxiety to meet his Guru, many a charlatan tried to cheat the king by
pretending to be the Guru. Many persons came and claimed to be the Guru but
all were found to be the fake claimants. One day news was brought to the
Raja that a holy man, with a rare glory beaming on his face (spiritual
aura), had arrived in the old neglected garden, and as soon as he set his
foot in the garden, the withered trees sprouted into green foliage.
to the previous fake claimants, the Raja devised a plan to test the visitors
before he could bow his head to any one of them. The Raja, therefore, sent
beautiful girls to seduce the new-comer with their beauty and charm.
Accordingly, he sent out two most captivating dancing girls to try their
charms on the visiting holy man. The moment the girls set eyes on Guru Nanak
Dev Ji they forgot all about their designs. They
came and sat down in utter devotion. The king meanwhile was waiting
impatiently to know what had happened to his girls. When he learned about
their submission to the Guru, he rushed to Guru Nanak Dev Ji and fell at his
feet. The Guru placed his hand on his head and blessed him. Who could
describe the ecstatic joy that had dawned upon Raja.
whole city rushed to the garden to have holy sight of the Master. A
dharamsala, a religious common place, was built where the Guru held daily
religious congregations and preached his divine doctrine. People were
enlightened with God's Name and they became Guru's followers.
staying there for some time the Guru started in the southerly direction and
reached Katargama. Then he reached Sita Eliya, a place where Sita spent her
period of captivity. At the time of Guru Nanak's visit, this place was in
the Kotte kingdom of Raja Dharma Prakarma. The inscription discovered by Dr.
Karuna Ratna and Parana Vitana in the famous museum of Anurodh Pura,
furnishes a brief account of the encounter of Nanak Acharya (Nanak) with the
Buddhist Bhikshu, Dharma Kirt-sthavira. This
inscription also informs that the Raja Dharma Prkramabahu had promised to
embrace Guru Nanak's creed if he won in the debate. Guru Nanak won. But
before he could embrace the Guru's creed, the Brahmans very cleverly
arranged another public debate, this time between the Guru and Dharma
Dvajapandita and maneuvered the result in favor of the latter. In this way
they did not let the ruler fall under the influence of the Guru.
