16. Guru at
Hardwar, the Guru took his route towards Gorakhmata, about twenty miles
north of Pilibhit, and reached there via Joshi Math and Almora. Almora was
ruled by the rulers of Chand family and they used to do their offerings of
human beings to please their goddess Chandi. The Guru showed them the path
of truth and thus stopped them from massacring innocent people to please
their goddess. From
there he reached Gorakhmata which was the abode of Jogis of Gorakhnath clan.
These Jogis had powers of Ridhi-Sidhi (supernatural powers). Their blessings
were eagerly sought by the family men. People avoided their curses at all
costs. Public from far and near had heard about these Jogis and their
popularity was widespread.
is said that these Jogis (Yogis) had also heard about the Guru. When he
reached there, they received him with great courtesy and invited him to
adopt their cult, wear their garb and join them as a Yogi. The Guru
explained to them that the life of seclusion which was not in the service of
their fellow beings, was worthless. The Guru uttered the following Sabad:
consisteth not in a patched coat, or in a Jogi's staff, or in ashes smeared
over the body; Religion consisteth not in earrings worn, or a shaven head,
or in the blowing of horns. Abide pure amid the impurities of the world;
thus shalt thou find the way of religion. Religion consisteth not in mere
words; He who looketh on all men as equal is religious. Religion consisteth
not in wandering to tombs or places of cremation, or sitting in attitudes of
contemplation; Religion consisteth not in wandering in foreign countries, or
in bathing at places of pilgrimages. Abide pure amid the impurities of the
world; thus shalt thou find the way of religion. On meeting a true Guru
doubt is dispelled and the wanderings of the mind restrained. It raineth
nectar, slow ecstatic music is heard, and man is happy within himself. Abide
pure amid the impurities of the world; thus shalt thou find the way of
religion. Nanak, in the midst of life be in death; practice such religion.
When thy horn soundeth without being blown, thou shalt obtain the fearless
dignity- Abide pure amid the impurities of the world, thus shalt thou find
the way of religion."
(Suhi Mohalla 1, Page: 730)
hearing this, the Yogis made Guru Nanak obeisanceeisance. The Guru's
teaching became so effective that Gorakhmata became Nanakmata.